We had a little downtime at home to relax with our bear on her first Christmas before heading over to John's parents' house. Emma also enjoyed some snacks from Santa. Of course.

Then we put the little one's leash on, loaded up the presents and us in the car, and headed down the road.
Kris always has such a perfect and beautifully decorated tree. And she's so sweet to hang a stocking for me as well as John and Sam. That's my white one.

Sam was home! John buddied up to his brother almost immediately. Brotherly love! I'm learning all about it :)

Emma even sat with him! Emma is pretty shy of strange men, which of course she classified Sam as, so when she went up to him on her own and sat down, I smiled proudly at the big step of bravery my little one had taken. They are friends now!

We had some nice conversation time with John's grandmas, and had a little photo op before dinner.

We had a lovely steak dinner, and then all nestled on the couches and chairs for present opening. Emma got the first present, of course. We have identified that she is the favorite. It's because she's the first granddog.

Grandma and Grandmama had wrapped their gifts so cute!

Emma waited patiently... not. She paced and begged for attention and climbed all over everywhere. Good thing she is so loved!

My handsome honey.

And our little family.

Thank you so much for such a special evening, J and K. We love everything and had a great time.
I am truly so blessed to have such a wonderful family and family-in-law that has welcomed me so warmly into their family. God knew what he was doing when he came up with the idea of family. :)
Thank you, Jesus, for being born so we can come together and celebrate your coming, your dying, your rising, and your saving grace.
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