Sunday, December 22, 2013
Just Us {maternity/Christmas photos}
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Two by Two {our multiplying family}
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Little Letters
Monday morning I came home from work to clean folded clothes on my dresser. This made me feel so loved. I nominate you to be the official folder of laundry in our home. :)
Dear Mom,
I loved cheering for the 3-day walkers with you last weekend almost as much as I loved walking it with you two years ago. You are such a great encourager, and handing out those little oranges was brilliant! I love that we will always share that experience.
Dear Baker,
You've been so good trying not to bark at the neighbor dogs. I just think you're the cutest and such a sweet little snuggle puppy. You're so silly though - you're attached to me at the hip all day until bedtime when you go sleep on the couch. I wish you could tell me your little thoughts!
Dear backyard,
You still scare Emma, as evidenced by her running quickly back inside after she goes potty. But I think you are growing on my pups. Thank you for your convenience, your freshness, and your beautiful view.
Dear sweet growing baby,
You are 19 weeks! I'm told you are the size of an heirloom tomato this week. Last week you were a sweet potato... I hope you aren't shrinking. :) I can't wait to feel your little somersaults and kicks. You are my little treasure!
Dear Emma,
You turned five this weekend! You are my kindred spirit puppy and I love you SO much. Thanks for rescuing us, bearsie.
Dear sister,
You came over at 7am for breakfast after I texted you a good deal earlier than that. Then after breakfast we went to Target and McDonalds. Thanks for being awake so early and always being my hangout buddy. I love our sister dates!
Dear Jesus,
During this month of thankfulness, I can't help but be overwhelmed with the fact that you are the reason for thankfulness. Thank you for your faithfulness, your grace, your love, and your truth. You are the reason for my joy.
Dear marshmallow fireside candle and hot chocolate with marshmallows,
You two have made me such a happy girl over the last few days. Can this season never end so we can continue our little morning tradition together?
Dear J,
Last week you smiled when I pulled our bright orange new brita pitcher from the frig and explained why orange was the best option for us. Last night you scooped me up for a picture in the kitchen after picking me up for our dinner date. Today you texted me to make sure I ordered my snuggle pregnancy pillow so I can {try to} be comfortable when I wake up again. Have I told you how much I love you?
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Soon there will be three...
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Thankful for: Our Condo
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Letter to my husband

Dear J, you have been just the sweetest this week. Thanks for 'accidentally forgetting' to take your truck key and filling up my little car's gas tank instead. Thanks for sending me encouraging texts while I'm working to say you love me. You get the mail every day and you've fed the pups for me many evenings this week. I appreciate these things so much. Thanks for organizing the frig and emptying the dishwasher. You really are the cutest house husband. You brought me ice water and a slice of pizza tonight in bed because you knew I was too tired to go get it. I love doing nothing with you and doing everything with you. Thank you for doing the seemingly small tasks for me on a regular basis... They make all the difference. Team J forever. Love, Wife
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
A few Feelings in this Moment
Saturday, August 10, 2013
{Birthday} Little Letters {of thanks}
You're spoken birthday card was the best birthday gift ever. And that's saying a lot, since you (among other things) also took me to a romantic Italian dinner and got me an iPad mini. Which I'm typing this on! I love doing life with you day after day. I can't wait to build house projects and create pictures from my books with you :). I love love love you.
Dear Ali,
Thank you for my birthday phone call and song. I wish we could have birthday cheesecake together. One day we will live in the same city again. You mean the world to me.
Dear Lindsey,
Your friendship is seriously the best. I love our daily texts about anything and everything. Thanks for being my favorite NICU nurse and friend, for always getting food with me, for being my sick buddy, for making me laugh all the time, and for your sweet (and later amusing) birthday text. My life is better with you in it.
Dear Katie C,
My day-before-birthday Starbucks hot chocolate and birthday cake pops was such a sweet treat! I love having you in the NICU! And the fact that you and Chris closed on your Santee condo on my birthday was another present!
Dear Carly,
I will always be able to count on you to make me smile. Every time I wear one of my adorable hair flowers I will think of you. And my coral necklace. You have amazing taste and you're the best sister in the world. I can't wait to be the old ladies on the front of the card you gave me. :) Thanks for being my Coronado buddy and always being ready with the next line of "Sista Sista" :)
Dear Katie R,
I love that your daughter and I share a birthday month. Maybe that's part of why I adore her so much. Thanks for the laugh from the photos of Elle's artwork with my nail polish in your bathroom. You are the best!
Dear Mom,
Thanks for taking my birthday off year after year. You never fail to make each one the most special yet. I loved our manis and pedis, Coronado lunch and shopping for fun new outfits. Thanks for always smiling for a picture with me. It means so much. Thank you for the most amazing brunch ever, also.
Dear Jessi,
Even if our schedules are opposite and we can barely figure out a time to have lunch, know that I adore you and can't wait to see you next week. Your encouragement and friendship is so sweet.
Dear John and Kris,
You were my first birthday call! Thanks for thinking of me so early before work and for singing to me on the machine. I love my cute peach stethoscope - the babies will be so excited to see it! Love you guys!
Dear Adrian,
Your little voice on the other end of the phone singing me happy birthday was my sweetest call of the day. Your life is such a gift to me and I don't know if you realize how much the Lord used you to lead me to the NICU. I love you, little sweetheart.
Dear family, friends, texts, and facebook messages,
Each of you made me feel loved in one way or another this birthday. Thank you for being so special and thoughtful.
Dear Jesus,
You are Awesome. You have blessed me so immensely. I forget sometimes how Good You Are. Thank you for being patient with me and for loving me the most of all. You knew me way before my first birthday 27 years ago, and for that I am so thankful.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Rekindling Moments: July
1 - bible study reunion dinner and laughter over Miguels white sauce
2 - a little pool time with C
3 - a good day's sleep
4 - fireworks from the bed of J's truck with blankets and pillows, Carly, J, and our four pups
5 - morning walk through Coronado with my sister
6 - encouragement from my Ali over Panera
7 - Coronado with our first married friends and favorite family, the Ritters
8 - Panera with Lindsey at work
9 - Target with Carly after a 14 hour night shift/meeting and buying a tanktop I already have... oops :)
10 - Mom's birthday! Cinnabons and Claim Jumper :) {and I got to sneak a visit to the Ritters in there too... Elle's first carousel ride... priceless!}
11 - chicken salad sandwiches with and made by my lovely sister, Chef Carly
12 - grace for the work night
13 - Get-healthy day: gym memberships, laying out, and J's first official homemade green smoothie (we think we may need to start a bit sweeter before going all-out-green!)
14 -
15 - back to the gym... thankful for the ability to exercise... and the strawberry banana smoothie I made afterward!
16 - new blooms outside
17 - helping one of our mommies hold her tiny twins together for the first time
18 - Chik Fil A and creme brulee while playing with Evie and chatting with Dwain and Jaclyn
19 - kicking off an ENTIRE weekend off with J with dinner and meaningful conversation with Jessi and Jeremiah
20 - great conversation with J about the sermon at church tonight after quesadillas with Chris and Katie {three nights in a row with friends - holla!}
21 - late night of mexican food with Sam, Valinda, Daryl and Valerie - they're here for a visit!
22 - photo shoots and crafting fun with Lindz
23 - giving Katie a hug as she started her first day of work on my unit... excited to work with her!
24 - starting and finishing a book.... can't remember the last time I did that in one day. Let alone, at all.
25 - walking through Balboa Park with my sweet sister in law, brother in law, and her fam, and then barbequin' it up at the McGovern's
26 - breakfast of champions and matching nail polish
27 - the peach valencia orange refresher I was craving that J brought me at 2200 to work!
28 - meeting my sweet preceptee
29 - laughing through report
30 - walking with Jaclyn around the beautiful Santee lakes and reaching 10,000 steps on my fitbit
31 - Panera and a good chat with Lindsey after sharing 'Letters from Juliette' at our First Touch meeting
Bits of the Beauty of Holiness
so not every photo is created by God, but there is beauty in these things even still |
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this happens to be my favorite house ever - is that not the cutest roof and garage door?! |
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Little Letters
Dear Coronado Island,
The combination of your perfect view of the city, amazing coffee shops, clean sandy beaches, pet-friendly-ness, precious million dollar homes, and all-around awesomeness has made me one happy girl lately. Can we have a date every day?
Dear Jury Duty,
I realize I've postponed you three times. But you just are not convenient for my schedule. Let's postpone next month for retirement. Then I'll be glad to fulfill my civil duty every year.
Dear Fingernails,
Can you grow for goodness sake? Please and thank you.
Dear Pinterest,
I think you're really fun. Thanks for all the pretty pictures and ideas. Now to actually do one of them.
Dear Tidelands Park,
You are quite the secret hideaway. Thanks for being empty, huge, and safe, and letting Emma and Baker run free. We'll visit again soon.
Dear twinsies in the NICU,
The way the two of you do the same thing at the same time from two different beds is seriously rad. And keeps me very busy. :)
Dear Emma and Elsie,
You ladies are famous. And your app has made photo editing that much funner. Can't wait for your book to come out. You guys rock.
Dear Real Simple magazine,
You are the most exciting thing that lands in my mailbox. You and those $10 Kohls giftcards. Can you come soon? The grocery ads are only so exciting.
Dear baby J {edit: this is NOT a baby in my tummy... this is a princess from our NICU},
Do you know how your sweet little spirit has inspired more letters to be written?
Dear Lindsey,
Thank you for making every single shift I work with you so worth it. You're an incredible nurse and great friend and I adore you.
Dear Kindle app,
I decided to try you out today for the first time on a $3 book. Best. decision. ever. I didn't think reading on my phone would be so cool. I was wrong.
Dear Baker,
I'm sorry we had to sit in the vet for 2 hours yesterday. You were such a good boy. Soon your ears will feel better.
Dear Emma,
Thank you for not tearing up the house while we were gone. You seriously have a heart of gold, sweet bear.
Dear J,
I love when you laugh, sing with your headphones on, and kiss me every day when you get home. Thanks for choosing me to do your days with.
Dear Jesus,
You are my strength when I am weak. Your mercies are new every morning. Thank you for being enough.