Saturday, July 31, 2010

Jordanna McGovern: BA, BSN!!

Yesterday I walked in my second college graduation ceremony... first from PLNU and now from APU. I earned my Bachelors of Science in Nursing!! Whooooo hooooo!!! Finally :) There were a total of 6 of us from my cohort who made it... out of 26... not too bad I guess. My amazing family came all the way to LA support me. I love you all.





my MIL, k

 my FIL, the fellow jjm

and my hubby. i couldn't have done this without you hun... actually literally... thanks for funding my life for the last 2.5 years! i love you.

and of course, my classmates. whom i am so incredibly thankful for.

jennie. thank you for the hat identifier :)

eenap san diego!! me, mahea, jennie, jose, and tiffany

and polina made it!!

my darling mahea wanted us to throw our hats. because i love her (and it sounded fun), i obliged her :).

these guys are getting married 5 weeks from tomorrow!

I can't believe I'm really done.

For a couple days.
Then it's back to the books, because I'm taking the NCLEX on September 10th!

But in the mean time, I have many thoughts and pictures for this blog.
Including more "last week of school/graduation" coverage.
And some "what now" coverage. Except I don't have an answer to that question yet.

"In his heart, a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."
Proverbs 16:9

For now, I'm done with nursing school, baby!

Thank you, God!

"...the Lord is faithful to all his promises..."
Psalm 145:13

Monday, July 26, 2010

4 smiles and 1 Joy

My animals make me smile
And my Savior brings me joy.

summer haircuts

fun in the lovesac

sleepy Baker

me and my girl

"And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light."

Colossians 1:10-12

Nursing school may end, but friendships remain

These guys got me through nursing school.
Well, God got me through nursing school.
But these guys sure made it so much better.

[disclaimer: these pictures were at the end of my 24 hour day... actually, we were all a little tired :)]

Finals... here we come. Friends, one week left!
What are we gonna do without each other everyday??
I love you guys.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sam and Valinda: Married!!

Well, only 2 days shy of a month later, the infamous Sam and Valinda's wedding post. :)

I mentioned J and I headed east (and I mean east!) to see my brother-in-law marry an amazing girl last month. And I mentioned a special birthday, and family we got to see. But I didn't mention the wonderful bride and groom!

She was beautiful. And he watched her so sweetly.

Together!! The moment when you can sigh with relief because you get to spend the rest of the day together. :)

Sam's boss/worship leader sang "Love is not a fight" while they lit the unity candle. Such a special song and time in the ceremony. [sidenote: if you are married or getting married, listen to the words of this song. it's perfect.]

Whoo whoo married!!!

Their first dance was pretty perfect :)

Sam's sandals might have been my favorite part of the reception. :) I love California.

And a final farewell to the Mr and Mrs ;)

Sam and Valinda, your wedding was so special. V, you were (and are) beautiful. I'm so excited to be sister-in-laws, and in the same state at that! Thanks for letting us share in your special day. We're so excited to grow together in marriage and friendship. And to come visit you and see your home you built together! Love you guys!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

The miraculous return to professionalism

I'm not really the big expensive type of shopper. I mean, I love shopping. A lot. And I can have fun in most stores. But I feel wasteful spending so much on one piece of clothing, when I could get a similar thing for much less, oh somewhere like Target, let's say. Yep. I'm a Target shopper. Except once when I bought an Anthro dress (although, I would definitely like to buy their whole store!)

I'm also not a real "professional" type of person. In fact, a large part of the reason I changed my career from event planning to nursing is because you get to wear scrubs instead of suits and heels.

And so, professional + expensive = reallllly not fun. One or the other, maybe. But both?

Anyway. The past 2 months have been filled with:
"the job market is really tough"
"you have to market yourself"
"professional portfolios make you stand out"
"make sure it's on nice paper"
"jordanna, sometimes you look like a girl. you need a suit that makes you look like an adult"
"don't buy cutesy"
"it's worth the money if it gets you the job"

Like, over and over. So I'm trying. Since I went to a little professional conference today, I had to get a suit. So I went to Banana Republic. Because I'm told that is where business professionals a little older than me shop. And I was kinda dreading it. Feeling like I'd rather buy a microwave or a plant or a new set of sheets or socks or pretty much anything, than buy a suit. So I pray, "God, please bless this experience and help me to find what I need at a price I can [sort of] afford."

So I walk in the store. Look around. Totally overwhelmed. And angel #1 walks up to me. "Excuse me, would you like some coupons? They're only good today and I'm not gonna use them." Yes thank you!! I exclaim. I look at them. 40% off. Oh my gosh, thank you God, I might actually be able to afford something after all.

So I'm walking around. Not sure where to start. I pick up a skirt, pants and a jacket. None of which go together. And angel #2 shows up. "Would you like me to start a fitting room for you?" Yes, I say, and I have to buy a suit and I have no idea how, can you please help me? And the next thing I know, Sylvia is bringing me all kinds of crazy things I would never have picked up and telling me they look "cute and professional and young and modern." And she says "every person I dress gets the job. Don't worry honey. Be confident. Chin up." For 2 hours she helped me.

And I walked out with my entire purchase for 40% off. And someone who said I looked "perfect and professional." You can call that coincidence or you can call that a miracle. I call it a miracle.

Thank you God. You knew I would walk out in tears, didn't you? Thank you for bringing me two angels to help me. You are so so good! And thank you for success today, and for helping me to feel like myself even in a suit. And thank you for Mahea, who shares with me in these frustrations.

I guess it's not so bad after all. But I still cannot wait until I get to go SCRUB shopping and wear tennis shoes to work. :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

A splash of summer

Last weekend, J indulged me by taking me on a Target date. If you didn't know, I love that store. My heart stops in almost every aisle, I'm so in love with everything. 

Our purpose: summer bedding. I tend to get bored and need new colors in my life frequently. And J liked it!!!

We all seem to be enjoying the new colors and vibrancy it brings. Emma even got so excited that she dug a hole in the comforter. Don't worry though. I fixed it. With my mad sewing skills. [haha]

Funny thing is, it's actually kinda a big comforter for summer. But it's fun. So I love it. :)

Thanks for the date and new luxury, honey!

Hubby's new job

Funny thing happened.

J ran for the HOA board.

And won!!

He's gotten pretty into it over the past year, attending meetings regularly, being friends with some board members, creating websites and such. He likes to have a voice in what is happening at our home, which I totally respect and appreciate. Especially since I go crazy every time I go to a meeting. (seriously? just because you don't like it means we have to change it? does the world revolve around you?). But J somehow manages to stay super even-tempered about it all, and even enjoys it! He's talked about joining the board in a [somewhat] joking manner for quite awhile, but when the option came this year to run, he decided to.

A month later, we received the ballot.
Two openings.
Two incumbents running.
And John.

We died laughing. Not in an oh-my-gosh-what-a-joke-you're-going-to-lose sort of way, but in a this-is-so-funny-that-it's-the-incumbents-and-YOU-and-a-blank-rest-of-the-page kind of way. Anyway, he joked about having two voters - us and this one nice person in our complex who said he'd vote for him.

So tonight, we went together to the annual meeting. The meeting where it's all revealed. As we drove there, I told him I was proud of him for trying and gave the "you're not a loser if you lose, you're a winner in my book" speech. In a genuine way. :)

They counted the ballots in the back. And we hear, "McGovern 1, Sue 1, George 2, McGovern 2, McGovern 1, Sue 1..." (fake names, btw, except McGovern of course). People voted for J! So then the counters go back to their seats. And the guy in charge takes the tally to the front. And he says,

"Well, this was a very close race. VERY close. Like, by 2 votes. We counted twice. Sue, you are re-elected. The other two were very close, but by 2 votes, John McGovern took the lead."

And I looked at my husband, who smiled politely and humbly in his seat, and I thought, awww.

And then the guy who lost about cried. And had a tantrum. And got up and stormed out of his board seat. And J politely got up and shook his hand. And then sat in his seat.

It took about 10 seconds, and he looked like one of the team. Except more business-y. Which fits, since they asked him to be on the finance committee. He must have looked the part. :)

Of course we had to go celebrate, which we turned into a double celebration to celebrate me finishing clinical and classes. (that was gonna be tomorrow but we decided to lump it together :)).

I love you, Mr. McGovern. And I'm very proud of you.
I kinda think you're crazy to do this.
But I love you for your crazy ideas.
And for legitimately winning an election. Way to go hun!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday moments

sylvia at banana republic
coupons and suit success
dancing in the kitchen with J
cuddle time with em and bakes
bible study with amazing women and friends
piano music, courtesy of my incredibly talented husband
ice cream (please disregard the starbucks + ice cream...)
horse race hat friends and their funny stories
cinderella glass slipper special treatment
good conversations and big thoughts
sandwiches for dinner
registering for NCLEX
reading blogs
J hugs

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Nursing school reflections: Preceptorship

As nursing school is quickly coming to an end, I have had many thoughts. Some contradictory, most positive. The thoughts that follow occurred in the past 72 hours as I completed my preceptorship - the last of my clinicals in nursing school.

I worked Saturday and Sunday nights, and went straight to school Monday morning for a 12 hour day. Needless to say, it was pretty exhausting. But I learned a few things.

I love oncology. Like, really love it. Not the cancer part. But the part about getting to know your patients, and walking with them through a difficult period. Supporting them and caring for them and with them. Loving them. And taking care of them after the battle is complete. One way or another.

I really like working nights. As much as I am not a night person. I am a "J can we go to bed" at 9pm kind of a person. Not so much of a "party til 3am" kind of a person. Sleeping in the day is pretty tough (although Sunday, I had Benadryl to thank), and I think J misses me at bedtime. :) But I sorta like being awake in the wee hours of the morning. When patients finally fall asleep and the floor is quiet. It's like your kids finally fell asleep. It's a sigh of relief and accomplishment, for them mostly. And you get to really talk to your patients. I got to know them. And their families. And we were there when they were sick at 0300. That is a humbling thing.

I love the nurses on the oncology floor. They have such hearts for their patients. They love their job. And they love each other. They are friends. And they welcomed me into their little night group of nurses so quickly. One girl told me about "NOTY Moments" (pronounced 'naughty moments'). Nurse Of The Year. AKA - when you screw up. She was a new grad RN. Since January. And she encouraged me (in a funny way) by telling me some of her NOTY moments. She made me laugh countless times. And my preceptor. She was and is an incredible nurse. Thank you Jeanne for the greatest experience in such a fast 60 hours.

I can't believe the next time I will take care of patients in my scrubs will be when I am a nurse (Lord-willing). When it's me that's taking care of them. That is terrifying and exciting, overwhelming and humbling all at the same time. The terrifying part comes through most frequently at this point. But once I'm there, how often I am humbled by my patients and nurses.

I thought about these things as I drove to the hospital and prayed that God would keep my hands safe, and my patients safe, and that He would bless each night and each relationship encounter I had, and that I would learn and grow and be humbled and encouraged by encouraging others.

And today, as I put my house back together (thanks for not letting it fall too apart, hun) and played with my pups and layed outside a bit and enjoyed my Jamba Juice my sweet husband brought me for lunch (thank you babe. I love you so much), I continued to contemplate these things. 

And I realized, I am so incredibly blessed to be doing what I am doing.
To be in the position where people allow me to take their lives in my hands. That is a truly humbling thing.
To be healthy and able to work, when so many aren't.
To be young enough to be able to stay awake for 24 hours at a time (although not ideal) without too much of a headache. And then sleep for 8 hours and get back to life. 

On that note, it is time for me to get ready and head to school for my final class of nursing school.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Adventures in West Virginia

Two weeks ago, John and I headed to the other side of the country (or world, however you want to look at it :) to witness Sam and Valinda get married. What a blessing it was to be there for their special day.

It was a trip of firsts.

First time I traveled with my in-laws. And their moms. And probably the first time they'd taken pictures in an airplane. At least in awhile.)

First time our rental car broke down (basically).
Thank God for Fords saving the day. And thank God we didn't have to drive a Dodge Charger the whole trip. Seriously, who names a car a "Dodge Charger" anyway? The "g" sound is not a good one when overused 
... no offense if you have a charger...

First time I stepped foot in West Virginia. Holy moly it's greeeeeeen!!

First time I saw a school bus parked in the middle of grass. Cute idea!

First time Sam practiced getting married. That I know of.

First West Virginia rehearsal dinner. Which was very similar to rehearsal dinners in California. Except for the green scenery. And the fact that the address read "West Virginia."

the guys
the girls

the photographer

the beautiful bride's sweet brother and sisters

the grandma and best man

the grandma and mother of the groom

the far-away family

Mrs. McGovern squared (20 hours from this photo) aka my super fun SIL

bobo and me

First time I went to Cracker Barrel. Which I must say was pretty much like any other breakfast place, as far as the food goes, since I judge a breakfast place by their pancakes... until I found the gift shop. Then it was like Christmas. No really. I shopped with Christmas in mind.

First time to go to coffee with BIL. And a super cute coffee shop at that!

Many many adventures. Good adventures.
Lots of coffee.
Lots of food. (which is always a good thing)
Lots of family.
Lots of late nights.
Lots of smiles.

West Virginia is a pretty cool place.
I don't know if I could live somewhere that places higher value on Walmart than Target.
But other than that, it's pretty perfect.

Thanks for sharing your home with us, Valinda!