Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Capture the moment

Thank you God for the joy these little ones add to my life every single day.
I'm daily amazed by the life You created.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Capture the moment

Luigi: "Can I borrow the pen when you're done, Mom?"

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bring out the Green

Since I married into Ireland... or however you say that ;) ... 

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

I actually don't really know the whole reasoning behind why it's celebrated.

But I do know I LOVE green. Like, I love it. 
My wedding was green green green.

 (I realize these have nothing to do with St Patrick's Day... 
but I enjoy creating connections between things not initially connected.. :))
And nothing has changed since then.
 I most definitely wore my green scrubs and green tennis shoes today. I do what I can. :)

Hope you had a great Thursday.

[Is anyone else as excited as me that tomorrow is Friday??? Hooray!]

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Eternal pleasures

Tonight at Bible study, one of my friends offered Psalm 16:8 to our conversation.
As I read through the rest of the chapter, I couldn't help but be overwhelmed with 
God's goodness,
my weakness,
and the Lord's grace, strength, and provision.

 2 I say to the LORD, "You are my Lord; 
   apart from you I have no good thing."
 5 LORD, you alone are my portion and my cup;
   you make my lot secure.
7 I will praise the LORD, who counsels me;
   even at night my heart instructs me.
8 I keep my eyes always on the LORD.
   With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
 9 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
   my body also will rest secure,
11 You make known to me the path of life;
   you will fill me with joy in your presence,
   with eternal pleasures at your right hand

Psalm 16:2, 5, 7-9, 11

Thank you, Lord, for the eternal perspective I find in you.
Thank you for the purpose I find in you.
Thank you for every good thing.
Thank you for your counsel and your instruction.
Thank you for your security and your protection.
Thank you for standing with me.
Thank you for your joy.
And thank you for friends who remind me of your promises.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Weekend Highlights

early morning sunrise
hours and hours of classroom study paying off by...
meeting some incredible nurses
chinese food and ice cream cake to celebrate J's Grandma's birthday... happy 86th birthday Grandma!!
a few encouraging texts
a few fun phone chats with my family
late night Target run with J
morning cuddle time with the puppies
morning clouds and afternoon sunshine (yep I'll admit it... it was a pretty day)
incredible testimonies from pastors at church
cinnabons for breakfast
completing a few big job applications
installing placing a new silverware holder in our drawer
finishing up last week's episode of the Bachelor
hubby pumping my gas at the gas station for me... thanks babe.
happy hour at the Brig with Mark and Katie
and did I already say pretty skies?

Good weekend.
Always too short.
But boy do I love them.

This time change has left me so tired today! Anyone else?

How was your weekend?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Thankful for marriage

Dear J,

Thank you for coming home in such a great mood on Sunday and taking me to the Brig to celebrate a rainy date night, and for introducing me to clam chowder and fish tacos. I never knew how fun seafood could be! This is becoming quite the routine ;)

Thank you for offering to go to the grocery store for me yesterday... and then picking me up on the way when I found out you were going to Target and begged you to take me with you. And for waiting patiently while I took a picture in the middle of the parking lot of the sunset... and later you let me choose coffee which took me forEVER. And then buying me pink shorts to support my ambitions. And smelling candles with me. And making eight circles looking for dish drainers... Target trips with you are seriously the best. [I swear that store markets directly to me!!!!]

Thank you for encouraging me when I had my little breakdown about work and life... your hugs and encouragement makes anything seem possible.

Thank you for being so stinking talented and worshipping with me last night. You are the best guitar player in the world (in my humble not-biased-at-all opinion) and I love watching and listening to you do your thing. Just one of the [more shallow but amazing] reasons I fell in love with five years ago. I love even more putting you and me together for Jesus. Definitely way better than the Bachelor. [and we have DVR...]

Thank you for feeding the puppies every single morning without fail so I don't have to wake up so early.

Thank you for coming to Bible study with me and being excited about it. I'm so thankful you have found such great friends to fellowship with.

Thank you for your daily text messages to say you miss me. I like that you miss me on a daily basis when we're not together... because I miss you too. Good thing we're married!

Thank you for your hugs, your laugh, your encouragement, your quesadillas, your friendship and your love.

Your heart blesses me, your faith inspires me, your perspective refreshes me, and your love overwhelms me.

I love you to the moon and back.


your crazy adoring wife :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Taking a Stand: 3-Day for the Cure

A few weeks ago, my mom signed up for the 3-day for the Cure. She's talked about walking it for a long time and finally decided to do it this year. As a dental hygienist, she has many patients who have walked or are walking the path of breast cancer. She's had friends and family who have fought the battle. Some have won, and some have lost. She decided to take a stand and walk because she can.

Last weekend, I signed up to join her in walking the 3-day. I have always loved to be a part of things that are bigger than me. Because when many come together, change happens.

This is an excerpt from my page on the Susan G Komen website about why I am walking:


As a junior at Point Loma Nazarene University, I had the honor of being a Resident Assistant (RA) and mentoring 24 college girls for a year. During that year, I was mentored by an incredible woman and Resident Director (RD), Pat Ours. Pat exemplified her faith and love for people daily, and she inspired me continuously. She was a breast cancer survivor. 
Two years ago, she relapsed. 
Last June 2010, Pat passed away from breast cancer.

Pat is the first person I have known personally to pass away from breast cancer. 

Unfortunately, I know she will not be the last.

As a Registered Nurse, I am passionate about my patients. 
I am walking for them - those I have met and those I have yet to meet.

My mom signed up to walk after talking about it for years. Inspired by her, I am walking this year. 

If not now, when? I am walking for her, and for the rest of my family.

I am walking because I care. I am walking for those who cannot. 

I cannot cure breast cancer. But I can walk 60 miles in three days. 


In order to walk, we each have to raise at least $2300.
100% of the funds raised go towards breast cancer research, education, and screenings.

In the next days, weeks and months, I may talk about this a lot. Because this is life-changing. And because I cannot do it alone. My mom and I are planning some creative fundraisers to raise money, which I'll share with you when it gets closer. I'll be training, because I know my feet would hate me if I tried to walk 60 miles tomorrow. :)

If you have any interest donating, you can go here and type in my name as a donor - Jordanna McGovern. Or my mom's name - Lindy Goble. :) Please don't feel pressure to donate. I just wanted to share my heart with my blogging friends, and offer the opportunity for you to participate if you so feel led. We never see the money - it's not for us. It's for a cure.

How have you been affected by breast cancer? Or cancer as a whole?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Glimpses of Spring

So thankful for new life.
Happy Saturday!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Las Tres Amigas Blancas Reunite

I don't have too many friends I knew when I was little and still call my friends.

But Emily and Melodie are two of those girls.

Emily became my best friend in first grade. 
We were Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen detectives.
EJ's Music Group (we were gonna be famous... way before American Idol).
Girl Scouts.
Two little winged angels.

Melodie and I became great friends in 6th and 7th grade.
Church friends, my little encourager, swim superstar, and carpool buddy.

The three of us became "Las Tres Amigas Blancas."
We carpooled to school together every day our freshman year of high school.
We each made our own friends and went our own ways,
but the depth of our friendship remains. 

Though we see each other so rarely, when we hang out, it's so natural.
This past Monday, Las Tres Amigas Blancas reunited at BJs.
It was so fun to chat about life, love, and adventures.
Mel with her five-year-old princess, Emily's adventures in Peru, my nursing stories.
And to laugh together.

Love you, Em and Mel. Here's to the three white girls :)

[Emily, Melodie, and me]

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Diving in

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, 
let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. 
And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. 
For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, 
and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
[Hebrews 12:1-2]

The race is ready...
Enough watching.

It's time to dive in
  and trust that the God of the Universe who holds the world in the palm of His hand
will lead and carry me the entire way.
because even though it looks smooth...
it's actually pretty rough.