Thursday, March 10, 2022

When Snow Falls in San Diego

[disclaimer: it has been almost 5 years since I've written a blog. A new intro is probably due since we've doubled the amount of kids and dogs we have, but for now, here goes it]

It started with a text at 5:16am from my sister to my mom and me. "We got snow!!" She just moved to an area a little further from us (20 minutes instead of 5, so I realize that is nothing to many). An area that was promised periodic snow. And she promised me she would tell me whenever it fell so we could come see.

It was a school morning and no one was yet awake. But it's snow, I thought. And we don't get snow. So an hour later, from my cozy spot on my couch, I texted her to ask if we could come see before school. She responded with "I'll start a fire!" My mom joined in and within minutes, we were up and prepping to drive to the snow. 

I searched for snow clothes. Thin gloves, tennis shoes, sweat pants and rain jackets. Those will do. Threw it all in the car and went to wake up my girls. "Wanna go see snow at Auntie's house?" I said to my sleeping beauties. "Yes!" they cried, jumping out of bed. (they don't do this ever). 

We grabbed backpacks and beanies, water bottles and blankets. I pulled the baby out of a deep sleep and we loaded up in the minivan. My twins (age 7.5), Hannah (age 3.5), Erin (age 12 months), and our four dogs. Emma, Baker, and our new golden retriever puppies. "Everyone buckled?" "Yep!" they yelled in chorus. And we were on our way. 

My phone dinged. "I'm making breakfast!" Yes. Thank you, sister! We forgot that part. 

12 minutes into our drive we spotted snow. You would have thought it was Christmas in that car. And getting off the freeway.... oh the joy! I handed my phone to Rachel and told her to take some pictures. 

Everyone unloaded as we got there and my sister welcomed us all with coffee and coffee cake and orange juice and a cozy fire. The girls ran to play (even before jackets were zipped requiring them to stop and start again, which was so-not-fun-Mom!) and I stood and watched them with my bundled baby (blanket not my own) and my sister. My mom arrived soon after with her puppies and we laughed and snapped photos and videos and chatted. In between answering questions and yelling to be careful and helping stuck puppies and saving fallen kids. 

We watched as the snow went from a fresh white blanket to a muddy footprint-stricken playing field. Somehow it still was just as pretty, if not more so. 

Rachel slid down the hill with the pups. 

Maddie built the cutest little snowman I've ever seen. 

Hannah walked around in awe. 

Erin snuggled up. 

I decided to let the girls be late to school so they could play a little longer. "You're the best mom," the receptionist said to me when I called to tell them. I texted their teacher to tell her and she responded with, "Jealous!! I should have sent a cooler to send some with them!" Fortunately, there was an unused cooler in my sister's patio, so we loaded it up with snow and the twins practiced carrying it together. 

An hour later, after bodies were warmed, bellies were filled, sister photos were taken and hearts were happy, we piled back in the car and headed to school. Soon after I dropped them off, I received a text from their teacher with pictures of them playing in the snow at school. 

Not all moments are beautiful. I don't always feel grateful. But this day - this morning - was one to be grateful for. 

Grateful for texts at all hours. Doors that are always open and welcome me and all my crazy with no questions asked. Warm fires and snow and coffee cake and coffee mate french vanilla creamer. My sister and my mom living close by. But not just close in proximity, but in heart. Kids that get excited. Laughter. Puppies seeing snow for the first time. Caution and eagerness. Gracious teachers and school staff. Minivans that fit everyone and everything. Help. Love. Joy. Peace. Family. 

And always always, grateful for the Creator who made it all.