Well, I haven't been very good at writing through this pregnancy, considering I'm 23+4 weeks and over halfway... but I do have some exciting news!
We found out two weeks ago (gosh, only two weeks ago??) that we are having ... not one ... but
That's right... we're having TWINS!!!
John and I could not be more excited. Of course with that realization comes more nervousness and uncertainty {I thought I wouldn't sleep with just one!...how will I feed them both...grocery shopping alone??...etc...}
We invited our families over the evening we found out (12/3/13!) and told them by ultrasound picture.
Needless to say, we have some very excited grandparents!
Everyone I've shared with has been {for the most part} so encouraging and excited for us.
I've also heard many twin stories :)
Even today in the grocery store line, the lady behind me is a grandma of twin girls!
I have to say, there is quite a connection between people with twins. I'm so excited to be a part of it.
Our due date is still set at April 15, 2014, but I'm aiming to make it to the last week of March. At that point, they will be 37 weeks and term. Praying for two healthy baby girls and a continued healthy pregnancy.
Lord, thank you for the blessing of two baby girls growing inside me. Please protect them and grow them proportionately, each in their own little sac. May their bodies be healthy, their minds know your truth, and their hearts your love, and the love of their mommy and daddy.
"'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord.
'For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.'"
Isaiah 55:8-9