Monday, April 26, 2010

Sigma Theta Tau

 I had the privilege of being inducted into the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau, Friday night. So I totally didn't think it was a super big deal, but it ended up being kinda special! (which my sister so sweetly wrote about...have I mentioned I have the best sister in the world? I do).

The first sign of that was the fancy table settings and purple theme color. Doesn't that mean royalty? ;)

My sister and mom joined J and I. It was fun to have them all there. My mom zoomed up straight from an all-day conference, and my sister rushed over after a final. We all got stuck in traffic. And everyone was still smiling.

Too bad we never took a picture all 4 of us. I totally forgot. But I appreciated you guys!!

Some of my nursing friends.

So I applied for a couple scholarships (and congratulations to our group for winning half of them! way to go Cohort 10!). And I won one of them! The Phyllis Esslinger Endowed Scholarship. I happen to think Phyllis Esslinger is the cat's pajamas (and she pretty much is in the nursing/history/academic world), so I was really honored.

Then we got our cords and certificates and our pins.

Lindsey and me

And all the nursing students.

My director and me

and Phyllis (left), the woman behind it all, and Dr. Cone (right) who awarded my scholarship
What an honor. 

My first "society." 
I'm such a grown-up. :)

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