Needless to say, we don't do a whole lot for the day. Although it should have been a 3-day weekend, I got a 1-day weekend. The joy of Saturday clinical and an accelerated nursing program. That's ok though. We had Sunday together. And it was a great day.
I awoke to a hug and the sweet smell of that little golden box J knows I love. mmmm. Thanks honey.
My mom always used to make the day extra special, and she came through again this year with a sweet little package at our front door Sunday morning.
Thanks for the yummy cookies and for your thoughtfulness, Mom and Steve. And thanks John and Kris for the wonderful breakfast gift card. Going out to breakfast is definitely on my top 10 favorite things to do list. (do I say that too much?)
We spent the afternoon with our great friends Mark and Katie. Lunch, a walk on the beach, and a board game.
Truly, these guys are two of the greatest people ever.
We found this funny creature. You gotta appreciate amazing artwork and creativity.
Thanks for a great afternoon, friends. We love hanging out with you.
We found some beautiful flowers. It's so funny how last weekend it was raining, and this weekend it was sunny as ever. Go figure; only in San Diego.
I do love the look of spring. Since it's San Diego, spring is in full bloom and summer will be here in about three weeks. ;)
We spent the evening at home. I did some homework - what's new - and J hung out with me and played his guitar. Gosh my husband is a man of many talents. He is good. And I get to listen to him for free. The perks of being the wife. :)
I love love.
"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God."
1 John 4:7
1 John 4:7
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