Sunday, March 6, 2011

Taking a Stand: 3-Day for the Cure

A few weeks ago, my mom signed up for the 3-day for the Cure. She's talked about walking it for a long time and finally decided to do it this year. As a dental hygienist, she has many patients who have walked or are walking the path of breast cancer. She's had friends and family who have fought the battle. Some have won, and some have lost. She decided to take a stand and walk because she can.

Last weekend, I signed up to join her in walking the 3-day. I have always loved to be a part of things that are bigger than me. Because when many come together, change happens.

This is an excerpt from my page on the Susan G Komen website about why I am walking:


As a junior at Point Loma Nazarene University, I had the honor of being a Resident Assistant (RA) and mentoring 24 college girls for a year. During that year, I was mentored by an incredible woman and Resident Director (RD), Pat Ours. Pat exemplified her faith and love for people daily, and she inspired me continuously. She was a breast cancer survivor. 
Two years ago, she relapsed. 
Last June 2010, Pat passed away from breast cancer.

Pat is the first person I have known personally to pass away from breast cancer. 

Unfortunately, I know she will not be the last.

As a Registered Nurse, I am passionate about my patients. 
I am walking for them - those I have met and those I have yet to meet.

My mom signed up to walk after talking about it for years. Inspired by her, I am walking this year. 

If not now, when? I am walking for her, and for the rest of my family.

I am walking because I care. I am walking for those who cannot. 

I cannot cure breast cancer. But I can walk 60 miles in three days. 


In order to walk, we each have to raise at least $2300.
100% of the funds raised go towards breast cancer research, education, and screenings.

In the next days, weeks and months, I may talk about this a lot. Because this is life-changing. And because I cannot do it alone. My mom and I are planning some creative fundraisers to raise money, which I'll share with you when it gets closer. I'll be training, because I know my feet would hate me if I tried to walk 60 miles tomorrow. :)

If you have any interest donating, you can go here and type in my name as a donor - Jordanna McGovern. Or my mom's name - Lindy Goble. :) Please don't feel pressure to donate. I just wanted to share my heart with my blogging friends, and offer the opportunity for you to participate if you so feel led. We never see the money - it's not for us. It's for a cure.

How have you been affected by breast cancer? Or cancer as a whole?

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