Thursday, December 16, 2010

Checking in

So, I don't know what happened, but I haven't blogged in like a week or two, or something awful.
And I haven't read any blogs either!


I'm ok though :)

I'm learning a few things.

Working is exhausting. I mean, working in general is not a fun thing. But working five days IN A ROW all day long is super exhausting. By the time I get home, figure out something for dinner, and feed and walk the puppies, it's like 7:30 at night! And dark outside. Well, it's dark a lot sooner than that. But then, the thought of cleaning or doing laundry or writing cards or being on the computer is exhausting. Especially the computer screen. Want to watch me fall asleep fast? Make me sit in front of the computer after 8pm (potentially why this blog has taken an hour to write).

I know. Welcome to the real world, Jordanna. No, but seriously. This is my first time working full time, I realized. (I've been in school for wayyyyy too long, and I don't recommend that). And it's overrated. Who in the world thought it would be a good idea to work 5 whole days a week??? I feel like work gets in the way of life.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy my job. This has nothing to do with that. It's just the fact that you are in one place for so many hours during the week.

So anyway, all this to say that I'm just getting in the groove of this whole thing. A month in.

Not to mention Christmas is in like 8 days or something like that... I am so not ready... I hate that feeling. I love Christmas. I love preparing for things and getting ready. I love being ready. But I'm still working on the Christmas cards I've been working on for months. Which comes before everything else... Ayyy yiii yiiii.

Anyways... all this to say, blogging unfortunately hasn't made the cut of what gets to happen during my two and a half hours each night when I'm home. But I have much to show and much to talk about, and I'm trying to get better... so hopefully I'll be back at this regularly again soon :).

The lack of eloquence in this post is partially due to the busyness of my mind right now. Sorry for that! I will probably come back and recant a few things.... :)

For now, thanks for sticking with me. And remember to take a few moments to be still and remember Jesus, the true reason for the season.

Because I created this blog as a challenge to myself to thank God for the little things, today's moments included spending a few moments watching the sky - since I have a love affair with God's sky.

Happy almost Friday!!


  1. Oh what a beautiful sky!!!!
    I completely know how you feel. I just got home from work, it's after midnight, and now house stuff calls:(
    Such is life I guess...but maybe we should go back to school for a break?

  2. I decided to go back to nursing school after having spent 2 years working 5 days a week in a cubicle after college..... understand my rationale now? :)

    Hopefully 2011 will be the year of your 3 12's so you can get your life back AND still change people's lives with your nursing.


  3. Dawn - how do you do it?!?! :)

    Lindz - gosh I hope so! So excited for you, girl :)

  4. The cards are beautiful! Nice work J!
